Stoney Lane Naturals

Finding natures treasures


About us

Stoney lane naturals started with a love and passion for nature, and a thought about how to bring natures beauty into peoples lives.

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Polished Stones and Crystals

  1. Stones and crystals that have been cut, shaped, and smoothed with grinding and polishing.

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Natural Stones and crystals

Stones and crystals not cut, shaped or polished, raw form, natural. Some quartz in our shop has been rock hounded by us. 

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Hand made jewelry

crystal bead bracelets, bracelets with charms, wire wrapped stones/crystals (cabachon’s), earrings with crystal beads, most items can be customized to customer preference. 

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Handmade resin products

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Metaphysical products

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

Get In Touch